EP 20

Copo Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Weapon

Weight: 1

Increases physical and magical damage against small size enemies by 15%.

Every 4 refine rate,

Increases physical and magical damage against small size enemies by 5%.

If level of compounded weapon is 5, Increases physical and magical damage against medium size enemies by 12%

every 3 refine rate,

Increases physical and magical damage against medium size enemies by 4%

Shining Seaweed Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Headgear

Weight: 1

ATK + 10, P.Atk + 1

Increases melee physical damage by 3%, increases SP consumption of skills by 7%.

If refine rate is 9 or higher,

increases melee physical damage by 2%.

If refine rate is 11 or higher,

reduces variable casting time by 5%

Ice Straw Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Armor

Weight: 1

S.Matk + 1,

increases SP consumption of skills by 7%. Increases water property magical damage by 4% per 2 refine rate.

When equipped with Ice Gangu Card, Matk + 10%

Unfrost Flower Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Armor

Weight: 1

P.Atk + 1,

increases SP consumption of skills by 7%

Increases melee physical damage by 4% per 3 refine rate

When equipped with Shining Seaweed Card,

Atk + 10%

Limacina Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Headgear

Weight: 1

ATK + 10, P.Atk + 1

Increases long ranged physical damage by 3%,

increases SP consumption of skills by 7%

If refine rate is 9 or higher,

increases long ranged physical damage by 2%

If refine rate is 11 or higher,

reduces variable casting time by 5%

Calmaring Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (left)

Weight: 1

Increases water property magical damage by 35%

Increases SP consumption of skills by 10%

Primitive Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (right)

Weight: 1

Increases melee physical damage by 8%

Lowest Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (right)

Weight: 1

Cri + 6, C.Rate + 1

Junior Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (left)

Weight: 1

Increases melee physical damage by 8%

When equipped with Primitive Rgan Card,

reduces variable casting time by 8%

Intermediate Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (left)

Weight: 1

Cri + 6, C.Rate + 1

When equipped with Lowest Rgan Card, increases critical damage by 10%

Discarded Primitive Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (left)

Weight: 1

Increases shadow property magical damage by 35%

Increases SP consumption of skills by 10%

Discarded Intermediate Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (left)

Weight: 1

Increases ghost property magical damage by 35%

Increases SP consumption of skills by 10%

Cave Calmaring Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Accessory (left)

Weight: 1

Increases poison property magical damage by 35%

Increases SP consumption of skills by 10%

Cave Flower Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Garment

Weight: 1

Reduces damage taken from neutral property by 15%.

Increases ghost property magical damage by 3% per refine rate

When equipped with Discarded Primitive Rgan Card,

reduces damage taken from neutral property by 5%

Hallucigenia Baby Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Shield

Weight: 1

Def - 30, Res + 15.

Reduces physical and magical damage taken from earth property enemies, insect race monsters and small size enemies by 15%

Hallucigenia Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Shoes

Weight: 1

MaxHP - 10%, MaxSP + 10%. P.Atk + 1, S.Matk + 1

When equipped with Hallucigenia Baby Card,

increases physical and magical damage against earth property enemies, insect race monsters and small size enemies by 9%

One Eye Dollocaris Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Garment

Weight: 1

Reduces damage taken from neutral property by 20%

If refine rate is lower than 12,

reduces shadow, holy, ghost and neutral property magical damage by 25%

If refine rate is 12 or higher,

increases shadow, holy, ghost and neutral property magical damage by 25%

If level of compounded equipment is 2, increases shadow, holy, ghost and neutral property magical damage by 8%

Two Eyes Dollocaris Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Armor

Weight: 1

Def + 100, Res + 50.

If refine rate is lower than 12,

MaxHP - 30%, Atk - 10%, Matk - 10%

If refine rate is 12 or higher,

MaxHP + 30%, Atk + 10%, Matk + 10%

If level of compounded equipment is 2, Res + 50

Ultra Limacina Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Headgear

Weight: 1

Atk + 5%, Matk + 5%. P.Atk + 2 and S.Matk + 2 per 3 refine rate.

If refine rate is 11 or higher,

reduces fixed casting time by 0.5 seconds

Simulation Juncea Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Armor

Weight: 1

P.Atk + 20, S.Matk + 20.

The armor can't be destroyed

Renovated Superior Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Shield

Weight: 1

Reduces physical and magical damage taken from all race monsters (except players) by 15%.

If refine rate is lower than 12,

increases physical and magical damage taken from all size enemies by 25%

If refine rate is 12 or higher,

reduces physical and magical damage taken from all size enemies by 25%

If level of compounded equipment is 2, Res + 50, Mres + 50

Entangled Intermediate Rgan Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Shoes

Weight: 1

Cri + 5.

If refine rate is lower than 12,

Cri - 15, reduces critical damage by 10%

If refine rate is 12 or higher,

Cri + 15, increases critical damage by 10%

If level of compounded equipment is 2, C.Rate + 5

Heart Hunter AT Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Armor

Weight: 1

P.Atk + 1,

increases SP consumption of skills by 7%. Increases long ranged physical damage by 4% per 3 refine rate

When equipped with Limacina Card,

Atk + 10%

Aquila Card

Class: Card

Compounds On: Garment

Weight: 1

Increases poison and undead property magical damage by 100%.

Increases damage taken from all property by 30%

Last updated